Full Body workout 3x per week

I like to do my last three movements as a giant set. This just means you run through one set of each movement and then repeat. So like a superset, but more than two exercises.

Day 1

Romanian Deadlift – 4 x 6-10
Lat Pulldown – 4 x 8 (Superset with the incline chest press if possible)
Incline Chest Press – 4 x 8
Lying Leg Curl – 3 x 8-12
(I like to do these last 3 as a giant set)
Cable Lateral Raise – 3 x 8-12
Barbell Bicep Curl – 3 x 8-12
Incline Skullcrusher – 3 x 8-12

Day 2

Barbell Squat – 4 x 6-10
Low Row – 4 x 8-12 (Superset with dumbbell bench press if possible)
Dumbbell Bench Press – 4 x 8-12
Leg Extension – 3 x 8-12
Calf Raises – 3 x 8-12
(Again, I like to do these last as a giant set)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press – 3 x 8-12
Dumbbell Preacher Curl – 3 x 8-12
Cable Tricep Pressdown – 3 x 8-12

Day 3

Deadlift – 4 x 6-10
Pull up – 4 x 8-15 (superset with chest dips)
Chest Dip – 4 x 8-15
Hack Squats – 4 x 6-10
(Giant set with the last 3 movements)
Dumbbell Lateral Raises – 3 x 8-12
Behind the Back Cable Curl – 3 x 8-12
Tricep Kickbacks – 3 x 8-12

I always try to get in a few movements for my abs throughout the week as well. Also, my current cardio schedule has me running and biking 3-4 days a week and swimming 1-2 days a week.